LiveMine Movember 2022 #LiveMineMO

We are proud to have participated in Movember for another year and feel privileged to be able to support a cause so close to our hearts.

Movember is such an important cause and is especially relevant in industries like mining where mental health is constantly tested through long hours, isolation and time spent away from families. At Livemine we strive to break the stigma around mental health and will continue to talk about it.

Since 2006 Movember has funded the development of 54 inventions, 70 therapies and 107 diagnostic tests for prostate cancer. In addition to 1250+ men’s health projects across 23 countries and over 18 years.

Our 2022 Movember participants raised over $300 by growing out their moustaches for this important organisation. We spoke to Suren and Rob about their experience.

Why did you want to participate in Movember?

Rob - “I had a mate turn to me once and he told me that he was depressed and not in a good space. I had no idea what he was going through and it has always resonated with me that people can hide what they are feeling. It's important to be mindful and supportive.”

Suren - "'I was happy to do any little part that I could to bring awareness to the cause."

How was your experience growing out the ‘stash this month?

Rob - “I'm naturally talented so it was pretty easy”

Suren - "Unlike Rob, I don't have the 'stache genes but I think the end result wasn't too bad -- the transition was a little iffy though!"

Why is Men’s Health so important to you?

Rob – “It's important because it's a real issue sometimes we all struggle with something and we need help.”

Suren - "We all go through difficult times in life, and going through these times alone is extremely difficult. Having a tribe of Mo Bros & Mo Sisters around to lean on for some support helps immensely."

If you are feeling low or overwhelmed, please reach out to the people around you or use these resources from Movember

You can still donate to #TeamLiveMineMo through this link

Team LiveMine


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